TVI/Tissue Tracking/Strain

What is Tissue Tracking?


Tissue Tracking displays systolic longitudinal displacement by integrating tissue velocity over time. Tissue Tracking is displayed as a color band representing motion during systole. The system color codes each point in the myocardium with the displacement occurring from end-diastole to end-systole. Tissue Tracking is performed from the apical views. A normal left ventricle will display the lowest motion at the apex, while the mitral annulus will display the greatest motion. Systolic mitral annular displacement, determined by tissue tracking, correlates closely with left ventricular ejection fraction.

Pan C, Hoffmann R, Kähl H, Severin E, Franke A, Hanrath P. Tissue tracking allows rapid and accurate visual evaluation of left ventricular function. Eur J Echocardiogr. 2001;2(3):197-202.

Vivid 7 Dimension