Probe Hygiene
Proper probe reprocessing is crucial when it comes to ultrasound probes, and it involves several steps. Learn more about probe reprocessing, about different steps involved, and discover educational tips and product recommendations
Probe reprocessing
There are multiple steps involved in ultrasound probe reprocessing and decontamination: cleaning, disinfection, transport and storage. Each of these steps is paramount to the overall success of the ultrasound probe reprocessing.Appropriate reprocessing of ultrasound probes is required to prevent transmission of infection when probes are used on subsequent patients. There are four important stages involved in effective reprocessing:
A process which involves physical removal of soil from device surfaces to prepare the items for further decontamination.
Process by which pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed in order to prevent patient to patient transmission
Transporting the probe from the disinfection room to the exam room and reverse
A process that prevents recontamination of reprocessed devices, ensuring they are safe for reuse.
Probe reprocessing
We propose you the following solutions,so that you can choose the one that suits you best
High-level Disinfection Solutions for TEE probes:
TD100®-automated high-level disinfection system
The TD 100® automated TEE probe disinfection system
automates and simplifies the disinfection and handling of ultrasound transducers from exam to exam to enhance patient and staff safety, minimize the risk of
probe damage, facilitate regulatory compliance, and help improve efficiency.
UMONIUM38 Neutralis Tissuesdisinfection wipes
Umonium38 Neutralis Tissues are disinfection wipes that do not contain any CMR (carcinogenic, mutagenic, reprotoxic) components and do not generate any chemical hazard with a simple reprocessing workflow. The wipes are ready to use, can be leveraged both for cleaning and disinfecting the probe, as well as disinfecting its environment.
Transport & Storage
Transport and storage are important when we talk about ultrasound probes. Probes should be manipulated with care to avoid any failure. If the probe is not immediately reused, store the probe in a manner that will protect and keep the probe from being recontaminated. Find below solutions to help you transport and store properly your ultrasound probes.
Transportation & storage
The TPorter® is a probe transport device whichreduces cross contamination risk. It is suited for TEE probes. With the Cleanshield® cabinet, caregivers will effectivelyand securely store disinfected probes by suspending each disinfected probe in avertical position which minimizes stress on the connection cable and strainrelief of the probes.